What's up with the price of Easter eggs? It seems the days of gorging on an obscene amount of chocolate over the Easter weekend are long gone. No longer can you describe an Easter egg hunt as a race to find as many eggs are possible. It is now just a hunt for a single egg. The Easter bunny simply can't afford it anymore.
To be fair the price of cocoa and sugar, basically the two things that make up chocolate, have skyrocket in recent years. Cocoa is up 150% and sugar 120%, so it makes sense that there is only one way for prices to go. Up.
Soon the tradition of the Easter Egg Hunt will be something only the rich can afford, whilst the rest are stuck reminiscing about an earlier time when Easter eggs didn't require a second mortgage to be taken out. Parents will say to their kids, "in my day, we stuffed ourselves stupid with chocolate', with the children only being able to gaze on in wonder at those golden times.
But there is a simple way to have your chocolate and eat it too, so to say. Just postpone Easter by a few days. When Tuesday comes around, raid your nearest supermarket for those Easter egg specials. Forget paying full price. Try 90 percent off. All the eggy goodness, without the expense. It certainly appears to be what happened at my local supermarket. Where a few days earlier lay a lovely Easter display stacked with eggs, now all that remains is a single lone bunny. It's as if a maurauding crowd stampeded through the store and grabbed everything they could get their hands on, because Easter eggs were never going to be seen again.
So next year, postpone your egg consumption and pounce on those after Easter specials.
Got my goat?
Posted by: Todd
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