At some point in time we have all lost our cool behind the wheel of a car, usually its for small and insignificant things. But imagine you are running a few minutes late for work, travelling at the speed limit and the driver in front of you (in the right hand lane I might add) was out on a casual Sunday drive.
Dont get me wrong, I realise I should have been ready and left earlier to get to work well before my shift started however the point I am trying to raise is that drivers are becoming more and more self-absorbed human beings not displaying common courtesy or decency to the people around them.
If a sign says 60km/h why do some of us feel compelled to travel at 50km/h or 55km/h? When learning to drive we were always told "keep left unless overtaking" but everywhere you look on the road, etiquette has literally been tossed out the drivers side window resulting in road rage at an all time high of 74% amongst Australian drivers.
So whats the solution?
Maybe I'll catch the bus.
Got my goat?
Unfortunately I'm a delivery driver so I have no way around this problem. It's so easy to get your driving license in this country - and the stupid thing is, instead of testing how well you can handle a car in emergency conditions, they assess you on how slowly you can drive! It gets my goat!
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