Saturday, May 1, 2010

Acronym use in everyday conversation

The use of acronyms in everyday speech has been a current trend within today’s society, but I would really like to know why, considering that it sounds stupid to everyone around you as well as it being a constant source of misunderstanding.

When did "lol" replace actual laughter during a conversation? I mean what’s the reward for telling an amazing joke and getting a response of "lol" or "rofl".

Seriously what is up with the use of acronyms. This trend even seems to have caught on with a few middle-aged people to whom i heard on a train saying "wtf" on the phone to what I presume would be a work colleague you know that things are becoming really dated and sad when middle age people and popular TV programs use them all the time. The secrecy that acronyms afforded teenagers a few years ago is now redundant with the older generation understanding what they all mean. It has taken the fun out of being lazy and it just appears as though you have a mental condition when said in public.

To direct my hatred of acronyms in real life I decided to make one of my own; PWUAIECDRHSTS (people who use acronyms in everyday conversion don’t realise how stupid they sound).

Do you think it will catch on?


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